
104年05月02、03日兩天一夜花蓮活動 — Jessica分享

普伽藍花蓮慈善之旅 – Love Has No Boundaries
This Hualien trip covers 11 institutions easily to be ignored in mountains. Together with other 41 friends with kind hearts, I was invited to participate the charity activity on May 2nd and 3rd right after the Labor Day. We collected boxes of charity donations and fully packed them in 10 cars including one truck. Hualien is so very pretty, quiet, and no pollution. However, sad stories are easily found in this beautiful land. Hard to believe there’re so many underprivileged minorities needed more love and attention from our society. We, living in the modern cities, enjoy the convenience and beautiful nature in life and take it for granted. This trip reminds me to introspect what I already have instead of what I missed. Our wants are always exceeding our needs. Maybe we’re not rich in dollar, we’re definitely wealthy enough to share our love and care with others. I’m very surprised to see a map (shown below) posted on the wall in an institution we visited this time. The red dots show us the places the institution built for those underprivileged minorities. Love should have no boundaries! They’re part of us but live in a different world. One penny counts! Though we have only 42 people and 10 cars this time, we collected and distributed more than 100 kind donations from people and companies. I’m blessed to attend this trip and join the team. Sincerely hope you will join us to support any charity activities if chances. The most important is to participate.

5月2號和3號二天,和其他41個朋友一同參加普伽藍花蓮慈善活動,普伽藍志工們花了近一個月將收集到的物資整理裝箱後,分門別類捐贈予11個不同背景的機構,10台車(含一台卡車) 塞了滿滿的物資和愛心前進花蓮山區,那些最容易被人遺忘的世外桃源。


途中我很驚訝在華山基金會的牆上掛著的那些地圖,地圖上密密麻麻的紅點,標註著華山駐站協助的地點,愛應該沒有界限,這些老/殘/貧是我們社會中的一份子,卻生活在與我們不同的世界。每一份小小的願力都有它的能量,雖然這趟我們只有42個人和10輛車 ,但卻收集並分送來自超過100多個不同善心人群和公司的捐贈。
